At Green Century Services we provide bulk mulch services for your landscaping project.
We sell the following types of mulch products in all colors and are also available for sale year-round.
Mulch is very important for the health of your landscaping. It keeps moisture in, it controls weeds and prevents soil erosion, and it keeps your ground generally healthy, among other things. Mulch is pretty incredible stuff, and any garden or yard which isn’t making use of it is definitely missing out.
All the different types of mulch don’t just exist for aesthetic reasons. Some hold in moisture better while others keep the soil healthy. The kind of mulch you need can vary greatly depending on what your goal is with the area in which you are using it. In order to figure that out, you’ll need to learn what each type of mulch is in the first place.
Mulch should be applied in the fall or spring. In the spring, it is best to wait until mid-spring to apply mulch in planting beds and around root zones of plants after the soil has warmed up. Newly installed plants will benefit from mulch, especially in the fall, as it protects the roots from the cold winter weather. Mulch does not have to apply every year. New mulch should only be added as needed to avoid over mulching. As mulch ages, it can be plowed into the soil to promote additional decomposition and nutrients.
Spreading or installing mulch may seem like a simple task. However, for those who have never done it, here are a few tips that can make you look like a professional.
1. Use a pitchfork instead of a shovel to make moving the mulch easier.
2. Load a large wheelbarrow with mulch. It will carry more material per trip, speeding installation.
3. Dump the mulch in small piles in your work area.
4. Spread the mulch with a steel tine rake, but you can also use your feet to kick or spread the mulch into place. Mulch should be spread to a depth of 2-4 inches.
5. Leave a space a couple of inches away from tree trunks and plant stems. This will help keep the plants healthy and free from disease and insects.
6. Use a leaf blower at the end of the installation to blow any dirt or mulch back into the beds, smooth out the top of the mulch and clean and smooth your edges.
7. Enjoy the beautiful results!
Generally, mulch needs very little attention to function as it should, and some mulches can last 10 years or longer before needing to be replaced. It’s most important to occasionally check the depth of your mulch and make sure it falls between 2 to 4 inches deep. Nevertheless, mulch color naturally fades over time from sun exposure, and sometimes weeds rear their tiny heads no matter what you do. Here are top tips to care for your mulch year-round — you’ll have lots of time leftover to relax and enjoy your garden!
1. Rake the beds if they contain mulch from a previous season. Break up large clumps and turn over the mulch to make sure it isn’t creating a compressed layer on top of the soil.
2. Spread new mulch out over planting beds and containers so it’s no more than 2 to 4 inches thick.
3. Clean up mulch so it’s a few inches away from plant stems and tree or shrub trunks, as mulch in direct contact with a plant’s crown can cause damage and rot.
4. Rake your mulch or turn it over with gloved hands a few times per season to make sure it isn’t clumping and preventing water from reaching the soil.
5. Add new, fresh mulch as your existing mulch breaks down to make sure you have a consistent 2- to 4-inch layer.
Types of Mulches
Premium Hardwood Mulch
A two year aged mulch with very fine pieces made from hardwood trees.
Dark Chocolate Brown in color.
Champion Blend Hardwood Mulch
Made from the trees of Houston.
Our most economically priced mulch.
Brown in Color.
Black Mulch
Black Mulch is a shredded mulch that is dyed to a rich black color. Provides a great color contrast in your landscaping beds.
The coloring used in our Black Mulch is non-toxic and perfectly safe for plants, animals, and children.
Red Mulch
Red Mulch is a shredded mulch that is dyed to a rich red color. Provides an excellent covering for planting beds.
Red Mulch provides a great color contrast in your landscaping beds.
The coloring used in our Red Mulch is non-toxic and perfectly safe for plants, animals, and children.
Our most popular mulch.
Pine Bark Mulch
Pine Bark Mulch is an excellent choice to enhance the beauty of plants while providing moisture retention, insulation for root systems, weed control
Pine Bark Mulch is derived from the bark of the pine tree.
Pine Bark is 1″ or less.
Has a pine smell.
Brown in Color.
Cedar Mulch
Cedar mulch is brownish, reddish in color and smells like a cedar closet.
The oil in cedar, which produces its distinct aroma, serves as a natural insect repellant.
Cedar mulch is an exceptionally long-lasting mulch, so it won’t have to be replaced as often as some other mulches.
Because of its longevity, cedar mulch won’t break down and replenish the soil with nutrients as quickly as will many other organic landscaping mulches.
Playground Mulch
Playground Chips made from the
Used for playground areas.
Certified for Schools, Parks
Recommended to apply with a minimum thickness of 8 to 12 inches